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We are the Ducommuns! There are 4 of us now-Craig, Laura, Zamara, and now Mahashavah, our 1 year old son. We adopted Zamara from Ethiopia in 2008. Our son is also from Ethiopia and we are hoping to bring him home soon. We live Flagstaff Arizona. We are so glad you found us. Take a look around and don't forget to leave us a message.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Labor Day!

Zamara is officially 18 months old now. She has grown 4 inches since her 1st birthday! She is getting tall and has really thinned out. It is crazy because she is a little girl now, not a baby. She talks constantly and is obsessed with Elmo and Pooh Bear. She puts their names together and calls them "Elmopooh". She is also good at reminding us to pray at mealtimes. If we forget, she will fold her hands and declare "AMEN!" until we pray. She is developing quite a little sense of humor. It is exciting to see her learn new things each day.

Laura's parents came to visit over Labor Day weekend. We had a great time. It was the first Laura's stepdad Ralph had been to our house with Zizi here. We both really appreciate them taking the time to come and visit.

One of the projects we worked on (and are are still working on!) is a play structure in the backyard. It is HUGE! I had no idea how much work would go into it. We are almost done though. We will show you the evolving pictures when we are finished. Zizi loves to play in it even though it isn't done yet.

We also went to the county fair over the weekend. It is a total small-town thing to do. It is not a great fair, but it was good enough. It is always fun to walk around, eat greasy food, and talk to your neighbors. Very fun! Zamara got to see a lot of animals--she was able to pet a chicken--she thought that was pretty cool. We didn't go on any rides, but Zizi played in a bounce house for a little while. I am sure we will be going on A LOT more rides next year.

Zamara had another first today--she got her finger slammed in a door at school for the first time. We are surprised it hadn't happened earlier, to be honest. It seems like little fingers are always in the way when doors are shutting. She is fine. They put some ice on it and gave her some extra cuddles and love. It is swollen, but it didn't seem to hurt her this evening during dinner.

Well, here are some pictures from this last weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is getting so big! Can't wait to see you guys again. Love you all!